Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Harris D.J. 8629 Loango National Park, east side of Rembo Nyoungou river, c. 2 km upstream from Akaka camp.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Koenen 48 Mayombe forest, slopes of Mont Pelé mountain range, c. 50 km south of Tchibanga.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Maesen 5690 N of main road Lastoursville-Moanda, chantiers EGG, 31 km SE of Lastoursville, 12 km off main road.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Ngok Banak L. 2023 Parc National de l'Ivindo, chutes de Djidji.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Simons 332 Libreville. Arboretum de Sibang, outside P1, P2, & P3.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Sosef 2452 Waka National Park. c. 10 km SE of Oghoubi Camp.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Stévart 4122 Mabounié. Forest, west of the camp.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Stévart 4453 Mabounié, Boupoya vegetation plot 3.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Valkenburg 3157 old logging road leading southward from chantier CBG Peni.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Wieringa J.J. 1577 Ndjolé, forest exploitation, 7 km NW of Ndjolé.
Tristemma oreophilum Gilg Wilks 2254 Nyonyie. Transect M2.

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