Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Trichoscypha sp. Laws S, 32 Simandou Range Whiskey 2
Trichoscypha sp. Simandou plants 77 Simandou Range. west of Pic de Fon. around Banko camp.
Trichoscypha sp. Simandou plots 40 Simandou Range Forest west of Pic de Fon. approx. 10km from Banko Village.
Trichoscypha sp. Tchiengue B. P 100 Guinee-Conakry. Forestière Prov.. Simandou range. Pic de Fon area. Forest at Whiskey 1. the water source for Canga East camp. Plot G3
Trichoscypha sp. Tchiengue B. P 161 Simandou Range. Pic de Fon area. Forest at Whiskey 1. the water source for Canga East camp. Plot G3.
Trichoscypha sp. Tchiengue B. T 720 Simandou Range. between Pic de Fon and village Banko. Plot Bank01.

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