Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Trichilia gilgiana Harms Breteler F.J. 2126 4 Km SE of Nguélémendouka, along road to Doumé.
Trichilia gilgiana Harms Breteler F.J. 2482 33 km E of Yaoundé along road to Ayos.
Trichilia gilgiana Harms de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7863 Hill facing N'kolandom I, 4 Km on the road from N'koemvone to A'koakas, counte from the crossing at N'Koemvone.
Trichilia gilgiana Harms de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8295 About 35 km on the road from Fifinda to Bella (45 km NE of Kribi).
Trichilia gilgiana Harms de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8400 Foot of hills SW of the village of Nkolandom.
Trichilia gilgiana Harms inconnu s.n. Koumou près de Yaoundé sur route Mbalmayo.
Trichilia gilgiana Harms Letouzey R. s.n. Forêt de Koumou km 29 route Yaoundé - Mbalmayo (parcelle N° 3).
Trichilia gilgiana Harms Shu 9 Likombe (South West Province).

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