Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Thesium tenuissimum Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 4 inconnue.
Thesium tenuissimum Hook.f. C.N.A.D. 1289 Bambouto Monts.
Thesium tenuissimum Hook.f. Daramola B.O. 41069 Near Peg 1 in the reserch plot in Bafut Ngemba Reserve
Thesium tenuissimum Hook.f. Etuge 114 Cameroun mountain, along path between upper farm and hut 1, approx. 4km W. of Buea.
Thesium tenuissimum Hook.f. Letouzey R. 8616 Monts Gotel. Pentes méridionales du Tchabal (2481 m) (30 Km NNO Banyo). IGN Banyo et Tignere.
Thesium tenuissimum Hook.f. Meijer W. 15407 Mt. Cameroun, NW de Buea.
Thesium tenuissimum Hook.f. Thomas D. 9345 Mt Cameroon.
Thesium tenuissimum Hook.f. Thomas D.W. 4636 Northern slope of cameroon mountain near the new radio station.

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