Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Streptocarpus sp. Breteler F.J. 220 Montane forest between hut 1 and Buea.
Streptocarpus sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8642 28 km along the road from Bafut to Wum.
Streptocarpus sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8657 12 km along the road from Dschang to Melong. Small waterfall.
Streptocarpus sp. de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1142 Nkolbisson, 8 km W. of Yaoundé.
Streptocarpus sp. Jacques-Félix H. 8411 Mango - Marais de piedmont; Poli.
Streptocarpus sp. Jacques-Félix H. 8814 Hosséré Sille - Mbang.Chute de Sing.
Streptocarpus sp. Jacques-Félix H. 8863 Mare de Tourningal (Km 45) Chutes de Tello.
Streptocarpus sp. Jacques-Félix H. 8866 Mare de Tourningal (Km 45) Chutes de Tello.
Streptocarpus sp. Kew 539 Barombi station.
Streptocarpus sp. Letouzey R. 13873 Crête du Nta Ali (1266 m), entre cotes 1009 et 1202; 30 Km SE Mamfe.
Streptocarpus sp. Manning S.D. 604 Along path from old Mbu toward Itoki, approx. 1 km W from Mbu.
Streptocarpus sp. Manning S.D. 691 Just E of lake Barombi Mbo, approx. At or higher than lake elevation. Approx. 4 km W. of Kumba.
Streptocarpus sp. Manning S.D. 746 Along the S shore of Lake Barombi Mbo, approx. 5 km NW of slightly above lake level.
Streptocarpus sp. Manning S.D. 886 Approx. 4 km NW of Kumba, in area just downstream of overflow spillway at SE side of lake Barombi Mbo, not far from the spillway.
Streptocarpus sp. sans nom de collecteur s.n. Sans localité
Streptocarpus sp. Thomas D.W. 2825 Mount Cameroon, above Batoke.
Streptocarpus sp. Villiers J.-F. 2456 6 km NE Bomana, 34 km NW Limbé

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