Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Stereospermum acuminatissimum K.Schum. Cheek M. V 7 Simandou Range. 100 m northeast of Oueleba 2 (a camp of Rio Tinto mining compagny). Plot V2.
Stereospermum acuminatissimum K.Schum. Cheek M. 13831 Mts. Ziama Palia
Stereospermum acuminatissimum K.Schum. Couch, C.A. 551 Simandou range. Approx. 1.8 km South of Fokou (Hill 1310) peak on east fac ing slope.
Stereospermum acuminatissimum K.Schum. Harvey Y 98 Simandou Range. Pic de Fon. forest plot Y4. facing WSW. near elephant rock.
Stereospermum acuminatissimum K.Schum. Tchiengue B. T 251 Simandou Range. Pic de Fon area. forest in near Chimpanzee valley. below steep slope on W side of Dabatini. Plot No. T4.
Stereospermum acuminatissimum K.Schum. Tchiengue B. 2737 Simandou range. Above Canga East. near Pic de Fon. Western side of Whiskey 2. further down the slope.

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