Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 6956 Above Mbilishi village
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 7027 Cocoa farms along the road between Konye and Bakole.
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 7207 Forest along the west bank of the Sangha River, opposite Mike Fay's camp at Ndakan.
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 7226 Forest at Ndakan, along bank of Sangha river.
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 7261 Forested bank of the Sangha river (international frontier), 30 Km from Libongo southwards.
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 7508 Old-growth forest on flat, sandy are between Baro and Ikenge village, along foot path in the Korup National ParK
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 7862 Forest in the Korup National park, between Akwa and Bera.
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 7896 Steep hillside south of Esukutang village.
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 8006 B Erat village in the southwes corner of the Korup National Park.
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 8006 A 5km West of Esukutang
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 8113 Around Erat village in the south west corner of the Korup National Park
Salacia sp. Thomas D.W. 8178 Species-rich secondary forest around Banyu, 15 kms west of Manyemem
Salacia sp. Thomas N.W. 6710 Prov. Southwest: Korup national park. Transect p
Salacia sp. Villiers J.-F. 651 5km W. Bateba Malembe
Salacia sp. Villiers J.-F. 667 6 km NW du confluent Boumba - Dja Mgoko. Flle IGN 1/2000 Moloundou.
Salacia sp. Villiers J.-F. 672 6 km NW du confluent Boumba - Dja Mgoko. Flle IGN 1/2000 Moloundou.
Salacia sp. Villiers J.-F. 2485 4km E. Bomana, 34km NW Limbé.

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