Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Sabicea africana (P.Beauv.) Hepper Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 10068 km 8 Mbakaou - Tibati road.
Sabicea africana (P.Beauv.) Hepper Mambo P. 4209 Mundemba town.
Sabicea africana (P.Beauv.) Hepper Thomas D.W. 1969 1,5 km E. of Libamba College, approx. 9 km E. of Makak.
Sabicea africana (P.Beauv.) Hepper Thomas D.W. 5781 At Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect P and in 25 HA.
Sabicea africana (P.Beauv.) Hepper Thomas D.W. 6802 Vicinity of Mundemba, Ndian div.

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