Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1033 Along path from Bulu camp, palmol plantation to Ekumbako, approx. 7km S of Mundemba
Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1100 Along road from main Kumba-Muyuka road past Kindonge camp, Southern Bakundu Forest reserve. Approx. 17 Km S. and 13 Km W. of Kumba by road.
Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1324 Est. 5km SSE of Bipindi
Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1496 Forest paths to approx. 1 km W of Bombe - Bakundu, approx. 20 km S of Kumba
Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1652 Approx. 1 km SE of Biwala, approx. 13 km SE of Yokadouma
Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1844 Approx. 1 km SW of the Handicapped Center, Etoug-Ebe Yaounde
Rinorea sp. Manning S.D. 1847 Approx. 1 km SW of the Handicapped Center, Etoug-Ebe Yaounde
Rinorea sp. Mbarga A. 23 Eséka ( Chantier LBC )
Rinorea sp. McKey D.B. 49 Near Lac Tissongo ( Mouanko Region )
Rinorea sp. Meijer W. 15178 Rive de la Boumba à 40km SSW Yokadouma, près Nouveau Ngato-Madjwé
Rinorea sp. Meijer W. 15206 Près Yaoundé, route de Kribi
Rinorea sp. Mézili P. 68 Bordures de la Sanaga, près du jardin potagé des chinois Nanga-Eboko
Rinorea sp. Mikio 25 a Mvini, 35 km East of Campo
Rinorea sp. Mikio 80 a Mvini, 35km East of Campo
Rinorea sp. Mikio 231 Mvini, 35km East of Campo
Rinorea sp. Mikio 320 Mvini, 35km East of Campo
Rinorea sp. Mpom B. 238 Près du campement forestier de Nkolbewa
Rinorea sp. Mpom B. 346 A 200m du Campement de Mangombe, près d'Edéa
Rinorea sp. Nana P. 188 km 69, route Ndemba I. IGN Bertoua
Rinorea sp. Nana P. 222 94 km de Bertoua, piste Esseleke

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