Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5078 Mont Koupé.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5102 A On the Western side of Mount Koupé.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5102 B On the Western side of Mount Koupé.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5171 Near Konye ; 40 km North of Kumba.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5194 Near Konye ; 40 km North of Kumba.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5198 Near Konye ; 40 km North of Kumba.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5472 West side of Mount Kupe.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5487 Mount Kupe.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5543 2 km N. of Limbe - Idenao road.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5740 Korup National Park, along transect P and in 25 HA, study plot.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5854 Korup National Park, along transect P and in 25 HA, study plot.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5861 Korup National Park
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5911 A Near Bangem.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5947 East side of Barombi Lake, Kumba.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 5949 On East side of Barombi Lake, Kumba.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 6105 Barombi Lake, Kumba.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 6896 5 - 10km au NW de Ngola. Flle IGN 1/2000 Abong-Mbang.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 7266 30 km from Libongo southwards.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 7517 Between Baro and Ikenge villages.
Psychotria sp. Thomas D.W. 7602 Korup National Park. Between Ikenge and Esukutang, about 6km West of Ikendge.

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