Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Breteler F.J. 895 9 km SW of Yaoundé, N. of road to Makak.
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Etuge 3335 Elak (Mont Oku).
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Letouzey R. 8127 17 km ENE de Sangmelima. Flle IGN 1/2000 Djoum.
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Manning S.D. 457 7 km W. of Bangem.
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Manning S.D. 457 Along path through forest, NW from Ehumseh, approx 7 km W of Bangem
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Manning S.D. 574 Approx 0,5 km S. from old Mbu.
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Manning S.D. 1471 2 km S. of Kwampo and 6 km WSW of Bipindi.
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Manning S.D. 1474 Kwampo and 6 km WSW of Bipindi.
Psychotria camerunensis Petit Manning S.D. 2054 10 km E. of Makak.

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