Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Bourobou H.P. 238 Mourindi.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Breteler F.J. 58 waterfalls in the Tchimbélé River.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Damen T.H.J. 656 road Njole to Lambarene.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Dauby G.V. 3032 zone de Mabounié,à environ 45 km au sud-est de Lambaréné, rive Est de la Ngounié.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 9129 41 km along a track leading in a western direction into the Doudou Mountains from Doussala.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 9826 30 km S of Rabi, near Echira River.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Louis A.M. 871 Massif du Chaillu, near Mouyanama, ± 27 km E of Mimongo.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. McPherson 15121 Crystal Mountains; near Tchimbélé Dam; forested slopes.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Stévart 4452 Mabounié, Boupoya vegetation plot 3.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Wieringa J.J. 3017 Fougamou, 5 km on forestry road following Bendolo river.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Wieringa J.J. 4033 Mt. Sassamongo, rocky plateau W of Sassamongo village.
Anubias heterophylla Engl. Wilde (WALK-B) 412 Missionary Station at Mouyanama, ca 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou).

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