Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Hibiscus asper Hook. f. Cheek M. G 42 Simandou Range. Oueleba. Savana. 2mx2m plot M30
Hibiscus asper Hook. f. Cheek M. 12542 Simandou; Canga East (Rio Tinto Camp); just to east before entering security barrier.
Hibiscus asper Hook. f. Cheek M. 12724 Simandou; Queleba 2. in the Rio Tinto Camp. Savana. with the start of a gallery forest near; slightly disturbed by construction of four huts and camp. Pterocarpus. cussonia. Ficus glumosa. Syzygium. Hymenocardia acida. Trees 5m high.
Hibiscus asper Hook. f. Keïta E, 9 Timbi Madina

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