Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Oxyanthus sp. Bos J.J. 5530 7 km on Kribi - Ebolowa road.
Oxyanthus sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7459 akoakas : 24 km on the track leading from Nkoemvone SE to Ambam.
Oxyanthus sp. Maisels 107 Eastern shore of Lake Oku.
Oxyanthus sp. Maisels 107 Lac Oku : Bamenda Highlands.
Oxyanthus sp. Nemba 25 Baduma (Mamfe road.)
Oxyanthus sp. Nemba 289 Mile 12 and mile 12. Mamfe road
Oxyanthus sp. Nemba 343 Mundemba - Fabe road.
Oxyanthus sp. Raynal J. 10016 12 km S. Ebolowa : Station du Cacao.
Oxyanthus sp. Tadjouteu 323 Mt. Bamboutos, Fongo-Tongo, carte de Mamfe, Apouh, à 10 km de Fongo-Tongo
Oxyanthus sp. Tadjouteu 451 Niasse, in Ela epende village, at about 5 km of Enyandong.
Oxyanthus sp. Thomas D.W. 4377 Lac Oku, NE side.
Oxyanthus sp. Thomas D.W. 4784 Korup National Park, collected between Ndian river at PAMOL fiel 69 and 2,5 km on transect P.

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