Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Mostuea neurocarpa Gilg Bos J.J. 3755 Lobé R. bank, 1km above Batanga ferry.
Mostuea neurocarpa Gilg Bos J.J. 5060 About 13 Km from Kribi, Ebolowa road.
Mostuea neurocarpa Gilg Bos J.J. 6184 27 km. From Kribi, Melen forest station across Ebolowa road, high forest on low sandy hill near watercourse.
Mostuea neurocarpa Gilg Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 7861 9.5 km S. of Kribi, left bank Lobé R., halfway Grand Batanga ferry and Ndoumalé
Mostuea neurocarpa Gilg Letouzey R. 8995 Près de la rivière Kienké, au NNW de Nkolbewa, km 36 route Kribi - Ebolowa.
Mostuea neurocarpa Gilg Satabié B. 812 Environs rivière Lobe: 50km SE Kribi
Mostuea neurocarpa Gilg Thomas D.W. 4331 Kurop National Park. Forst along footpath from Ndian River at PAMOL field 69 and transect P.

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