Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Microgramma owariensis (Desv.) Alston Beentje H.J. 1431 In old trees in Hevea plantation
Microgramma owariensis (Desv.) Alston Beentje H.J. 1610 8 km E of Djoum
Microgramma owariensis (Desv.) Alston de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7530 Station du cacaoyer de Nkemvone, 14 km on the road from Ebolowa to Ambam
Microgramma owariensis (Desv.) Alston Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6974 S. of Buea, between Sasse and Soppo on the short road Victoria-Buea road. Between Tole-tea plantation and the village Bolikabo
Microgramma owariensis (Desv.) Alston Mikio 278 Mivini 35 km east of Campo.
Microgramma owariensis (Desv.) Alston Thomas D.W. 4595 Disturbed forest near Bonakanda, W side of Cameroun mountain.
Microgramma owariensis (Desv.) Alston Thomas D.W. 7064 Lava flow at Bibundi (Idenau) within 100 m of main road.

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