Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Memecylon candidum Gilg Bos J.J. 4396 12 km from Kribi, high forest between Ebowa road and Kienke River.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Bos J.J. 4680 20 Km. From Kribi, Lolodorf road.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Bos J.J. 5761 Eastern crest of Mt. Elephant, SE of Kribi
Memecylon candidum Gilg Bos J.J. 6999 Upper slopes of Mt. Elephant, SE of Kribi
Memecylon candidum Gilg Bos J.J. 7067 km. 10 Kribi-Lolodorf
Memecylon candidum Gilg de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7740 Station du cacaoyer de Nkemvone, 14 km on the road from Ebolowa to Ambam.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Koufani A. 229 Bank of Mboro, near Akonetye, 2° 30 S, 11°10 of Ebolowa.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Letouzey R. 1399 Essam - Flle IGN 1/2000 Nanga Eboko.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Letouzey R. 8985 Près de la rivière Kienke au NNW de Nkolbewa (Km 36 route Kribi-Ebolowa).
Memecylon candidum Gilg Nemba 174 Mile 15, Mamfe road, between Kumba and Baduma.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Thomas D. 3401 Old growth forest in Douala-Edea reserve, near Lac Tissongo.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Thomas D.W. 4296 Forest along footpath from Ndian river at PAMOL field 69 and transect P.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Thomas D.W. 4692 Mature rain forest in Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field 69 and 2.5 km on transect P.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Thomas D.W. 5820 Mature rain forest, at Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect ''P'' and in 25 HA.
Memecylon candidum Gilg Thomas D.W. 8109 Forest and second growth around Erat village in southwest corner of the Korup National Park.
Memecylon candidum Gilg van der Burgt 564 Korup National Park

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