Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Breteler F.J. 10294 Rabi-Kounga, Rabi.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Breteler F.J. 11553 Rabi-area, just E of Checkpoint Charlie
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Choo J. 756 Rabi. South of Divangui Road.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Choo J. 757 Rabi. South of Divangui Road.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Nguema Ekomo 636 Waka National Park, Mt. Boutoumbe, lower slope.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Schoenmaker J. 218 Rabi-Kounga, near Rabi 10.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret SIMAB series 42502 Mbe National Park, Monts de Cristal. Kinguele Dam area. On east-facing slope (3-12º incline). Closed canopy forest with Santiria trimera and Coula edulis. Understorey dominated by Halopegia azuria and Mapania sp. Plot 4.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Simons 582 Libreville. Arboretum de Sibang.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Sosef 1433 Plus ou moins 40 au Nord-Ouest de Doussala.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Sosef 1569 Ca 15 km au O.S.O. de Doussala.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Towns 914 Tchimbele-Kinguele.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Valkenburg 2650 chantier SFN.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Wieringa J.J. 1229 Rabi-Kounga, Checkpoint Charlie.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Wieringa J.J. 1609 Rabi-Kounga, Rabi, c. 4 km N of Shell camp.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Wieringa J.J. 5612 Rabi oil field, hectare plot, position in plot: 39E 80S.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Wilks 1738 7 km ENE de Okuamkos. Monts de Cristal.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Wilks 1790 Crystal Mountains, 11 km ENE d'Okuamkos.
Anisophyllea polyneura Floret Wilks 1819 Monts de Cristal. 15 km d'Okuamkos.

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