Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Aneilema umbrosum (Vahl) Kunth subsp. ovato-oblongum (P.Beauv.) J.K.Morton de Wilde J.J.F.E. 9370 Ca. 20 km S.S.E. of Doussala.
Aneilema umbrosum (Vahl) Kunth subsp. ovato-oblongum (P.Beauv.) J.K.Morton Louis A.M. 2088 chantier Oveng.
Aneilema umbrosum (Vahl) Kunth subsp. ovato-oblongum (P.Beauv.) J.K.Morton Sosef 2679 Pélé Mountains, c. 27 km on the road Tchibanga - Moulengui Binza (counted from the bifurcation with road to Mayumba), village Birougou, and then 16 km on a track in SW direction.
Aneilema umbrosum (Vahl) Kunth subsp. ovato-oblongum (P.Beauv.) J.K.Morton Stone 3501 Ivindo National Park. Langoué Bai. At north end of bai near NGS platform.

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