Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 3062 20km from Kribi, Lolodorf-Bipindi road, dark wet riverine forest.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 3667 About 16km from Kribi, Lolodorf road.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 4706 1km N. of Longii, riverine forest of Longii river.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 4949 About 15km SE of Kribi, Kienke forest, at Bidou II.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 5481 S. bank Lobé R., SE of Gr. Batanga.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 5502 10 km from Kribi, Lolodorf road, riverine forest of Kienke road
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 5582 N. of Leper colony, 10km on Kribi-Lolodorf road.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 5985 36 km N. of Kribi, forested islet between Lokoundje bridges at Ebéa.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 6199 About 40km from Kribi, Lolodorf road.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1131 Nkolbisson, 8km W. of Yaoundé.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6875 Left bank Kumba R., the river descending from the Barombi Crater lake, near Kumba, W. Cameroun.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Letouzey R. 4095 Entre Fenda ( 60 Km. ESE de Kribi) et rivière Kienke.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Letouzey R. 11116 Près Ibaïkak, à 80km à l'ENE d'Edéa. Flle IGN 1/2000 Ndikinimeki.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Manning S.D. 1419 1Km N. of Kwambo and 5km W. of Bipindi.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Raynal J. 9555 Nkolbisson : 8km W. Yaoundé. Au pied de la colline de Minlo.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Raynal J. 10232 Maan : 24 km ESE Nyabesan, galerie marécageuse du Ngono, entre le poste douanier et le Ntem.
Justicia laxa T.Anderson Surville 602 Dibombari (Littoral)

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