Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Brunt 608 High Lava plateau : Oku
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Buzgo 587 Elak
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Buzgo 592 Elak
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Etuge 3392 Gikwang - road towards Oku.
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Etuge 3454 Gikwang - Towards Nyasoso bush
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Fotius 3125 Tchabal Mbabo - Flle IGN 1/2000 Tignère
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Goetghebeur 5067 N. Prov., N. of Banyo, N. of Sambolabo, Mao Kélélé, NW side of Tchabal Mbabo, on the way to Dodéo
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Kamundi 603 Ijim Mountain Forest.
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Letouzey R. 13078 Massif du Mbam (2335 m), versant occidental; piste directe de Nkontoupi au somet; 35 km NW Foumban.
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Munyenyembe 705 Elak (Mont Oku)
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Onana J.-M. 552 Aboh village
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Pollard 13 KC-8, Mount Oku.
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Thomas D. 3129 Around the crater of Manengouba
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Thomas D.W. 5968 Around Lake Oku and Mount Oku
Psychotria altimontana Lachenaud Timmerman 1063 Cameroon, W. PROV; . Bambouto

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