Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Cheek M. 8873 Bakossi Mts. Kodmin, 0,5km on road to Muawhojun
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Fotius 2977 Soa - Djom, 20 Km E Ngaoundéré. IGN 1/200000 Ngaoundéré
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Letouzey R. 13319 Piste de Bandoumkassa, (1500m) à Balam(400m) ; 12km ESE. Bafang (feuille ING. 1/200000. Bafoossam
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Manning S.D. 465 Along path through forest, NW from Ehumseh, approx 7 km W of Bangem
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Onana J.-M. 563 Abwomahunsum - Trail to Nyandong
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Thomas D. 3075 Secondary forest around Nyasoso, at the base of Mount Koupe
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Thomas D.W. 5301 Forested hillsides in Bakossi Mountains, west of Bangem
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Villiers J.-F. 1313 Moundelengué, 3 km SE Enyandong, 6 km WNW Bangem. (carte IGN 1/2000 Mamfe)
Quassia sanguinea Cheek & jongkind Villiers J.-F. 1509 W. Village Mbuabong, 26km NNE Tombel.( carte IGN 1/2000 Buea-Douala)

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