Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Lycopodium sp. Benl G. ka 75 20 Sanyé, bei Idenau
Lycopodium sp. Benl G. ka 70 74 Bukuangu, auf dem Weg von Buea nach Mann's Spring
Lycopodium sp. Benl G. ka 75 123 Barombi kang, von Kumba
Lycopodium sp. Bos J.J. 3098 + 80 km from Ebolowa to Kribi, near Akom II
Lycopodium sp. Bos J.J. 4819 S. bank Lobé R., between Ndoumalé and Pygmee village
Lycopodium sp. Goetghebeur 5045 Banyo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, from the village to the market, direction Dodéo
Lycopodium sp. Kamundi 670 Ijim mountain forest. Montane rain forest along the top of the ridge, second gate from Aboh village
Lycopodium sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9963 Manengouba Mts., near lake in caldera
Lycopodium sp. Letouzey R. 8460 Près Mekok (36 km ESE de Sangmelima). Feuille IGN. Djoum
Lycopodium sp. Letouzey R. 8913 bis Piste du village d'Okou au mont Okou (3008 m) (45 Km SSO de Nkambe).
Lycopodium sp. Manning S.D. 553 At and near bank of River Mungo W of old Mbu, (via Koba). Approx. 3 km SW of Ebimi.
Lycopodium sp. Mikio 88 a Mvini 35 km east of Campo.
Lycopodium sp. Munyenyembe 782 Oku Elak, Bui division.
Lycopodium sp. Swarbrick 2316 Cameroons Mts., S. C
Lycopodium sp. Thomas D.W. 2294 Buea - Douala, south Korup reserve, lowland rain forest, secondary forest, rocky river banks of Mana River, & oil palms
Lycopodium sp. Villiers J.-F. 1361 Manengouba cratère, alt. 2000 m, 9 km SE Bangem
Lycopodium sp. Zapfack 1063 Oku elak, Transect KJ.
Lycopodium sp. Zapfack 1064 Oku elak, Transect KJ.

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