Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Polygala acicularis Oliv. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 9949 Plateau Batéké, 37 km E of Franceville as the crow flies.
Polygala acicularis Oliv. Niangadouma R. 340 à 1 km de la station PPG.
Polygala acicularis Oliv. Sosef 1308 Monts Doudou, Mourindi.
Polygala acicularis Oliv. Sosef 2609 c. 10 km S of Tchibanga, along the road to Moulengui Binza.
Polygala acicularis Oliv. Walters 1213 Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. 6 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles. Hymenocardia grassland along Mpassa River.
Polygala acicularis Oliv. Walters 1231 Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. 9 km from Projet Protection des Gorilles Lac Loulou. Hymenocardia and Maprounea grassland.
Polygala acicularis Oliv. Walters 1322 Plateaux Batéke National Park. Grassland between Ecomomat and Cambodge. .

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