Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Carpolobia gossweileri (Exell) Petit Bos J.J. 5684 11 km. N. of Kribi, high forested bank above mangrove swamp.
Carpolobia gossweileri (Exell) Petit Bos J.J. 6108 New forest exploitation N. of Mt. Elephant, about 18 km SE of Kribi, (Rouillon).
Carpolobia gossweileri (Exell) Petit Bos J.J. 6124 11 km. N. of Kribi, near Mpalla, forested bank between Edea road and mangrove swamp.
Carpolobia gossweileri (Exell) Petit de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8331 About 26 Km on an exploitation track leading from Ipono towards Dipikar Island, high bank of Bongola River
Carpolobia gossweileri (Exell) Petit de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8678 13 km along the road from Kribi to Ebolowa. Raphia swamp with small creek in the middle.
Carpolobia gossweileri (Exell) Petit de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8697 About 500 m North of bridge crossing the Bongola River, towards Dipikar Island. Exploited high forest.

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