Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. Hall J.C. 95 2 Tongo village.
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. Kahn B. 90 5 Edou village.
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. Kahn B. 90 16 Edou village.
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. Kahn B. 93 25 3 km Port of Ekounou.
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. Leslie 87 2 Bertoua, about 10 km N of Bertoua on Deng - Deng road. Older Onaref stand on right side of road.
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. Manning S.D. 314 Road and forest above benedictine mission, Mt. Febe (Yaounde).
Palisota alopecurus Pellegr. Purkiss C. 87 2 2 km from the Nkolbisson interchange, at the end of dirt road which continues on the right.

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