Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Clerodendron bipindense Gürke Breteler F.J. 731 14 km N-E of Doumé, near road to Dimako and Bertoua.
Clerodendron bipindense Gürke Letouzey R. 5573 A 9 Km au Nord de Ntam (80 Km ENE de Lomié). IGN Medoum.
Clerodendron bipindense Gürke Manning S.D. 1097 Along road from main Kumba - Muyuka road past Kindonge Camp. Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve. Approx. 17km S. and 13km W. of Kumba by road.
Clerodendron bipindense Gürke Nkongmeneck B.-A. 606 Likound, à 38 Km SSE de Ndikinimeki. IGN Ndikinimeki.
Clerodendron bipindense Gürke Thomas D.W. 4857 Ndian division. 1 km north of Masore on Ekondotiti - Mundemba road, 0 - 2 km east of road.

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