Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Tylophora congolana (Baill.) Bullock de Wilde J.J.F.E. 11839 Lopé Reserve.
Tylophora congolana (Baill.) Bullock Louis A.M. 591 Near Achouka, savanna vegetation.
Tylophora congolana (Baill.) Bullock Sosef 552 Lopé Reserve, Chantier Mitendi. Savane brûlée autour de la case de M. Demartir.
Tylophora congolana (Baill.) Bullock van Bergen M.A. 503 Gamba, Vera plains.
Tylophora congolana (Baill.) Bullock Walters 911 Batéké Plateau, Station of the Projet de Protection des Gorilles. Forest next to savanna, open and sunny. Collections made within 100 m of GPS point and alcohol dried.
Tylophora congolana (Baill.) Bullock Wilde (WALK-B) 887 Eastern part of the Presidential Reserve Wonga-Wongué; c. 100 km S of Libreville; close to the living quarters.
Tylophora congolana (Baill.) Bullock Wilks 2318 Oyan. Site forage Oyan.

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