Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Bos J.J. 5593 4km N. of Kribi, forest edge on mangrove swamp
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Bos J.J. 5593 4 km. N. of Kribi.
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Deighton 5035 Lake Baiama.
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms de Wilde J.J.F.E. 3626 Liberia. C. 10 km. E. of Monrovia, coastal savannah with solitary groups of shrubs and lower trees at the border of Mesorado swamp.
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms de Wilde J.J.F.E. 3848 Liberia; Gola National Forest,c. 7 km North-East of Bomi Hills, near Yoma. Left bank of Mahe River.
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Dybowski 126 Ngové
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Hédin L. s.n. Baie de M'Brabo, bord de la lagune.
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Letouzey R. 15082 20km SW Ekondotiti (feuille ING 1/200000. Buea-Douala)
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Letouzey R. 15082 Bamousso, 20 km SW Ekondo Titi.
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Sita 3805 P.C.A. de Nzambi, bac de Conkouati.
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Thomas D.W. 2341 Banks of Ndian R., betw. Bulu (head of tide) & last banana, edge of Rio del Rey mangrove swamp ; 20km stretch sampled by boat.
Haplormosia monophylla (Harms) Harms Thomas D.W. 2341 SW Province. Banks of Ndian R, betw Bulu (head of tide) & Last Banana, edge of Rio del Rey mangrove swamp ; stretch sampled by boat. Map # NB 32 IV Buea-Douala.

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