Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain Bos J.J. 4743 1 km NE of Longi.
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain Bos J.J. 5208 2 km N. of Longii, logged out riverine forest of Longgi R..
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1455 Along the border of Kele-river, near the bridge. Ca. 30 km WNW of Eséka, W. of Yaoundé.
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain Manning S.D. 1390 Approx. 3 km WNW of Bipindi.
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain Mpom B. 226 Subd. Kribi, près du Campement forestier de Nkolbewa.
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain Nemba 695 Southern Bakundu reserve Forest - Kumba.
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain Thomas D. 2170 Map # NB 32 IV Buea-Douala. Secondary and mature forest at Barombi Camp, 5 km S. of Kumba on Buea/Douala road.
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain Thomas D. 3453 Degraded forest at Barombi Kang, near Kumba.
Hamilcoa zenkeri (Pax) Prain Thomas D. 4170 Relict forest in farmland at Barombi Kang, Kumba.

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