Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Elaphoglossum sp. Cheek M. 8935 Kodmin, Monkey forest, descending to waterfall at Ndip; in Kupe-Muanenguba Division.
Elaphoglossum sp. Letouzey R. 13947 Au SSE, près Essu, 20 km N Wum; feuille IGN. Nkambé.
Elaphoglossum sp. Tadjouteu 107 Mt. Bamboutos, bangan, carte de bafoussam
Elaphoglossum sp. Thomas D.W. 5052 Forest and scrub on the summit of Mt. Kupé
Elaphoglossum sp. Thomas D.W. 5071 Forest and scrub on the summit of Mt. Kupé
Elaphoglossum sp. Thomas D.W. 8189 Secondary forest in the Korup National park, near Ikassa.
Elaphoglossum sp. Zapfack 1239 Oku elak, Bui division, Lometo traditional forest

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