Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Bissiengou P. 579 après village Fera à 12 km de Ndendé (route Ndende-Mouila).
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Breteler F.J. 12369 c. 10km E of Lifouta Gare.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 11812 S of the Ogooué river.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Louis A.M. 1635 Nouvel aéroport de Moanda.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Louis A.M. 3216 Rabi-Kounga, savanna before Odimba on the Ngové (Iguéla) lagune.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Niangadouma R. 136 Plateaux Batéké National Parc. Station Projet Protection de Gorilles, savane de la rive ouest Mpassa.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Sosef 536 Lopé Reserve. Chantier Mitendi. Savane brûlée autour de la case de M. Demartir.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Sosef 854 Réserve de Monts Doudou, au Sud-Ouest de la Brigade de Moukalaba à Morindi.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Sosef 2385 Doudou Mountains National Parc, c. 20 km S of Mandji, E of Mont Igoumbi.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Valkenburg 3185 old logging road leading southward from chantier CBG Peni.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Wieringa J.J. 5527 c. 9 km on the road Fougamou to Yombi, west of road.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Wilde (WALK-B) 575 Ranch of Agrogabon, SE of Tchibanga, c. 50 km along the road to Voungou.
Dissotis brazzae Cogn. Wilde (WALK-B) 860 Eastern part of the Presidential Reserve Wonga-Wongué; c. 100 km S of Libreville, forest above the rim of what is locally known as the Big Bambam.

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