Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dischistocalyx strobilinus C.B.Clarke Cheek M. 8207 Ekundu Kundu to Erat, c. 2,5 km.
Dischistocalyx strobilinus C.B.Clarke Cheek M. 8954 Kupe-Manengouba :''Monkey'' forest, descending to waterfall at Ndip.
Dischistocalyx strobilinus C.B.Clarke Cheek M. 8954 Kupe-Manengouba :''Monkey'' forest, descending to waterfall at Ndip.
Dischistocalyx strobilinus C.B.Clarke Manning S.D. 1724 Korup National Parc. East of ''Camp 1'', along East-West path 1 to temporary camp on the way to the Mana river foot bridge.

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