Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dischistocalyx sp. Bos J.J. 5377 16 km from Kribi, N. of Lolodorf road.
Dischistocalyx sp. Bos J.J. 7140 Km 36 Kribi - Campo
Dischistocalyx sp. Cheek M. 8827 Peak of Mt. Juahan to Ekundu Kundu.
Dischistocalyx sp. Cheek M. 9121 Edip village to Lake Edip, 2-3km.
Dischistocalyx sp. C.N.A.D. 1703 Yabassi (Dibeng).
Dischistocalyx sp. Etuge 4123 Kupe Manenguba : (Kodmin)
Dischistocalyx sp. Gosline 52 Kupe Manenguba : (Kodmin)
Dischistocalyx sp. Letouzey R. 14554 Monts Rumpi-Rata, 2km au SW de Dikome Balue, 35km NNW Kumba. Flle. Buea-Douala.
Dischistocalyx sp. Letouzey R. 15143 Korup Forest Reserve, entre Erat-Ekong II et Akpasang. Flle. IGN 1/2000 Buea-Douala.
Dischistocalyx sp. Onana J.-M. 535 Bank of Chide River.
Dischistocalyx sp. Thomas D. 3379 Footpath between Baro village and Manyemen.
Dischistocalyx sp. Thomas D. 5571 Old-growth forest along transect P , southern end of Korup National Park.
Dischistocalyx sp. Thomas D. 5921 Forest in Bakossi mountains, near Bangem.
Dischistocalyx sp. Thomas D. 7873 Forest in the Korup National Park, between Akwa and Bera.
Dischistocalyx sp. Thomas D. 9133 Mt. Cameroun : Bakingili - Nja Keta Path - Nja Keta Path.

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