Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Bos J.J. 4198 21 Km from Kribi, Lolodorf road.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Bos J.J. 5424 Just E of Kribi, riverine forest of tributary to Kienke river.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Bos J.J. 6600 3 km N of km 20 Kribi - Lolodorf.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Bos J.J. 6659 N of km 20 Kribi - Lolodorf.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Bos J.J. 7162 2 km N of km 25 Kribi - Lolodorf.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2707 a Riverine forest, bank Nyong river, near the new bridge, ca. 65km SSW of Eseka.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2862 Riverine forest. Bank Nyong River, near the new bridge, about 65km SSW of Eseka.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Letouzey R. 5697 4 km E of km 58 of road Edéa - Kribi, along road to Mboké.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Letouzey R. 8980 Près de la rivière Kienke au NNW de Nkolbewa (Km 36 route Kribi-Ebolowa).
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Letouzey R. 13730 Au delà de la rivière Bawan, sur piste de Tabo à Agborkem (ex Ossidinge), 20km W Mamfe.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Thomas D.W. 4702 Mature rain forest in Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field 69 and 2.5 km on transect P.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Thomas D.W. 6088 Mature and second growth forest from the vicinity of lake Barombi, Kumba.
Diospyros gabunensis Gürke Thomas D.W. 6881 Korup National Park.

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