Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Bos J.J. 3269 12km from Kribi, between Ebolowa road and Kienke R.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Bos J.J. 3322 15km from Kribi, 1km S of Ebolowa road.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Bos J.J. 4549 13km from Kribi, Ebolowa road.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Bos J.J. 6329 60 km. From Kribi, Edea road, overhanging small stream exposed position.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Bos J.J. 6595 3 km. N. of km. 20 on Kribi - Lolodorf road, secondary regrowth bordering exploitation road in high forest ( SFIA ).
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Breteler F.J. 1023 Bertoua, 5 km along road to Batouri and Betaré Oya.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Breteler F.J. 1275 Bertoua, 6 km along road to Batouri and Bétaré Oya.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Breteler F.J. 1409 47 km N.W. of Bertoua, near road from Mbang to Ebaka.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8044 22km E. of Kribi, along the road to Ebolowa.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8293 About 35 km on the road from Fifinda to Bella (45 km NE of Kribi).
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2188 primeval forest along small rivulet, c. 60km NNW of eseka
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5530 2 km. E. of km. 58 of road Edea-Kribi, along road to Mboké
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5815 Km. 27 of road Bertoua-Bétaré Oya, near Gounté
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5975 27km NE of bertoua, along road to betare oya, near gounté
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9899 11km loum-solé
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Letouzey R. 14121 Piste Akwaya - Mamfe, entre Ashobi et mamfé, 5 km NE Mamfé.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Mbarga A. 15 Subdivision Eséka, 33 km sur la route de Ngongos.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Nemba 215 Mile 15, Mamfe road. Secondary growing forest, between Kumba and Baduma.
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Onana J.-M. 74 Environ 2 km S. Ndebaya
Dichapetalum tomentosum Engl. Onana J.-M. 96 Vers Otu environ 47km E Mamfe.

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