Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cyrtorchis sp. de Kruif A.P.M. 809 50 km W. of Bela (along Sangha R., near C.A.R border, about 82 km E. of Lokomo, km 120 road Yokadouma-Moloundou)
Cyrtorchis sp. Sanford W.W. 5244 Forest exploitation near Dimako, aff Doumé road.
Cyrtorchis sp. SCA 2097 Bambui
Cyrtorchis sp. SCA 2112 Bambui
Cyrtorchis sp. Zapfack 1168 Joh, Kwifon traditional forest.
Cyrtorchis sp. Zapfack 1172 Elak
Cyrtorchis sp. Zapfack 1179 Ethiale, near the stream.

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