Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cyclosorus sp. Benl G. ka 75 32 Idenau - Bomana.
Cyclosorus sp. Fotius 3102 Lainde - Ngouda, 43 km S Tignère.
Cyclosorus sp. Goetghebeur 5044 Banyo, N of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, from the village to the market, direction Dodéo
Cyclosorus sp. Goetghebeur 5060 Banyo, N. of Sambolabo, Mayo Kélélé, from the village to the market, direction dodéo
Cyclosorus sp. Letouzey R. 405 Versant sud du Mont Koupé vers 1200 m.
Cyclosorus sp. Letouzey R. 7194 Entre Mile Alifa et Karena (100 Km NO de Fort-Foureau)
Cyclosorus sp. Manning S.D. 383 Forest just off the side road to Ebogo, E 1 km W of Mbalmayo - Ebolowa road, approx 10 km S of Mbalmayo
Cyclosorus sp. Manning S.D. 384 Forest just off the side road to Ebogo, E 1 km W of Mbalmayo - Ebolowa road, approx 10 km S of Mbalmayo
Cyclosorus sp. Manning S.D. 391 Forest just off the side road to Ebogo, E 1 km W of Mbalmayo - Ebolowa road, approx 10 km S of Mbalmayo
Cyclosorus sp. Manning S.D. 697 Just E of lake Barombi Mbo, approx. At or higher than lake elevation. Approx. 4 km W. of Kumba.
Cyclosorus sp. Manning S.D. 1359 In area adjoining the Zenker Mansion approx 1 km SW of Bipindi
Cyclosorus sp. Thomas D.W. 6039 Forest, scrublands and grasslands around lake Oku and Mount Oku.
Cyclosorus sp. Thomas D.W. 7000 Secondary forest and cocoa farm between Nyandong and Messaka villages.
Cyclosorus sp. van der Zon A.P.M. 4180 Bimlerou. W de Faro

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