Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude B.E.S.H.M. s.n. Bambui, Bamenda. S. C.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Breteler F.J. 227 Montane forest between hut 1 and Buea.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Breteler F.J. 261 Cameroon mountain. Montane forest. On bank of dry riverbed. Between hut 1 and hut 2.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Buzgo 609 Oku - Elak to the forest at transect KJ.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude C.N.A.D. 1741 Mt Okou, préfecture de Kumbo.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Hipper F.N. 2194 Mountainnous, mainly above 1200 m. Peaks up to c.2500 m.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Jacques-Félix H. 9031 Tchabal Mbabo.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude SCA 2333 Bambui, Bamenda. S. C.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Swarbrick 2216 Bambui, Bamenda. S. C.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Swarbrick 2216 Bambui, Bamenda. S. C.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Swarbrick 2323 Cameroon Mt. S.C.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Thomas D.W. 2972 Montane forest and meadows on the southern slope of Mount Cameroon, above Batoke.
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Thomas D.W. 4607 Jakiri
Cryptotaenia africana (Hook.f.) Drude Thomas D.W. 6034 Forest, scrublands and grasslands around lake Oku and Mount Oku.

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