Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Crotonogyne impedita Prain Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5155 13 km SW of Eséka, right bank Nyong R., near ferry in road to Lolodorf.
Crotonogyne impedita Prain Letouzey R. 13850 Crête du Nta Ali, entre Cotes 1009 et 1202; 30 Km SE de Mamfe. Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfe.
Crotonogyne impedita Prain Satabié B. 361 Massif de Ngovayang : 16km W. de Lolodorf,.
Crotonogyne impedita Prain Thomas D. 3473 Mature forest on Kala Mountain, 20 km W. of Yaoundé, on si of Douala road.
Crotonogyne impedita Prain Thomas D. 5167 Forest near Konye in the valley of the forest near Konye in the valley of the Mungo river, 40km North of Kumba.
Crotonogyne impedita Prain Thomas D. 5170 Forest near Konye in the valley of the Mungo river, 40km North Kumba.
Crotonogyne impedita Prain Villiers J.-F. 1424 Massif du Nta Ali : crète sommitale, 30km SE Mamfe. Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfe.
Crotonogyne impedita Prain Villiers J.-F. 1424 Massif du Nta Ali : crète sommitale, 30km SE Mamfe. Flle IGN 1/2000 Mamfe.

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