Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Poa sp. Cheek M. 4967 Transect going West from ringroad between Bomana and Koto II towards Onge river.
Poa sp. Cheek M. 8956 Monkey forest, descending to waterfall at Ndip.
Poa sp. Cheek M. 8956 Kodmin; Monkey forest, descending to waterfall at Ndip.
Poa sp. Cheek M. 8997 Ela Ndib Emechang waterfall.
Poa sp. Cheek M. 8997 Ela Ndib Emechang waterfall.
Poa sp. C.N.A.D. 1260 Djuttitsa (Bamboutos).
Poa sp. C.N.A.D. 1287 Djuttitsa (Bamboutos).
Poa sp. Malzy 249 Garoua; dans le Nord Cameroun.

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