Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Loudetia kagerensis C.E. Hubbard Cheek M. A 12612 Simandou Range. West spur. below road on slope. in region of plot.
Loudetia kagerensis C.E. Hubbard Cheek M. 12679 Simandou Range; Mont Dabatini; W slopes & summit.Montane Fire-adapted grassland. Subshrubs of Monechma depauperata. Kotschya lutea and Bidens asperata fairly common. Some Nuxia establishing: c.
Loudetia kagerensis C.E. Hubbard Cheek M. 13215 Simandou Range. Oueleba 2 to Oualeba1.

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