Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Breteler F.J. 1570 23 km West of Yaoundé, along road to Douala. In a deep valley.
Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2831 Riverine forest. Bank Nyong River, near the new bridge, about 65km SSW of Eseka.
Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Letouzey R. 13654 Entre Ogurang et Babong, 45 Km SW de Mamfe.
Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Letouzey R. 13756 Entre Manyemen et Ayong, 15 Km SSW de Nguti.
Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Satabié B. 309 Entre villages Ekondotiti et Loe, 5 km NW d' Ekondotiti.
Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Thomas D. 2541 Secondary scrub and forest along roadside for 10 km between Ikata and Munyenge, NE of Muyuka, at foot of Cameroon Mt.

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