Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Asonganyi J.N. 627 At Djombi, 26 Km North of Tibati.
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2030 On N. bank of Ntem-River. Ca. 10 Km. SW/ of Ambam; S. of Ebolowa
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6703 9 Km. E. of Lomie, along road to Eschienbot, E. of Polidor.
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 10147 4 km N of Bankim, along road to Banyo
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 10654 Right bank Mvi R., sof bridge in Foumban - Magba road.
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Lejoly J. 26 Cameroun, Réserve du Dja, Somalomo-Malen I, km 1 à 10.
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Lejoly J. 86 875 Ediki, Reserve forestière du Sud-Bakundu.
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Letouzey R. 11912 5 Km WSW de Zoulabot II sur le Dja (axe Lomié - Ngoila - Souanké).
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Ngameni Kamga B. 29 Au pied du Mont Ngolep, Massif de Ngoro à 38 km au Nord de Bafia
Mostuea hirsuta (Anders. ex Benth. & Hook J.D.) Baill. ex Baker Thomas D.W. 6249 Banks of the Nyong river, 2 Km downstream of Akonolinga, Tom Smith's seedcraker research site.

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