Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Macrotyloma stenophyllum (Harms) Verdc. Breteler F.J. 259 Plateau of the Adamaoua. Ground of the cattle breeding station at Wakwa, 10 Km South of Ngaoundéré.
Macrotyloma stenophyllum (Harms) Verdc. Breteler F.J. 379 Plateau of the Adamaoua. 11 Km South of Ngaoundéré, along road to Meiganga
Macrotyloma stenophyllum (Harms) Verdc. Jacques-Félix H. 8063 Meiganga
Macrotyloma stenophyllum (Harms) Verdc. Letouzey R. 5861 Djombi (25 Km au Nord de Tibati). IGN 1/200000 Tibati
Macrotyloma stenophyllum (Harms) Verdc. Letouzey R. 5861 Djombi (25 Km au Nord de Tibati). IGN 1/200000 Tibati

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