Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dalhousiea africana Moore Bos J.J. 4664 20km from Kribi, Lolodorf road, sec
Dalhousiea africana Moore Bos J.J. 4798 20km from Kribi, N. of Lolodorf road, (SFIA logging road)
Dalhousiea africana Moore Bos J.J. 6140 25km from Kribi, 4km N. of Lolodorf road.
Dalhousiea africana Moore Bos J.J. 6746 4km N. of km 20, Kribi-Lolodorf, high forest exploitation (SFIA)
Dalhousiea africana Moore de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7907 Mboro river, 72km on the road from Ebolowa to Ambam
Dalhousiea africana Moore de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1599 Ca. 40km S. of Baqdjob, ca. 55km SW of Eseka, on border of the Nyong river, near the bridge
Dalhousiea africana Moore de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2729 Riverine forest, bank Nyong river, near the new bridge, ca. 65km SSW of Eseka
Dalhousiea africana Moore Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5422 8km W. of Massok
Dalhousiea africana Moore Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 5694 4km E. of km 58 of road Edéa-Kribi, along road to Mboké
Dalhousiea africana Moore Letouzey R. 8392 Route d'Akoafim, 38km SSE de Djoum
Dalhousiea africana Moore Letouzey R. 10483 Près Kinsasa, 65 Km au NNE de Moloundou, sur route de Yokadouma
Dalhousiea africana Moore Letouzey R. 11836 Rive de l'Ayina, à l'Ouest. d'Alati, soit à 90km au SE de Djoum
Dalhousiea africana Moore Letouzey R. 14741 5km E. Mbanga(feuille ING 1/200000. Buea-Douala)
Dalhousiea africana Moore Manning S.D. 1647 2km E. of Welele, between Molundu and Yokadouma

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