Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Asonganyi J.N. 261 On a rocky area at Mekas 72 km SE Akonolinga.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Breteler F.J. 828 5km E of Bertoua, bifurcation Batouri-Bétaré Oya.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Breteler F.J. 1723 Near Catholic mission. Alt. Plus ou moins 650m.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1405 Ca. 4km SW of Nkolbisson, ca. 12km W. of Yaoundé. Alt. :ca. 750 m.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2628 Ca. 8km W. of Yaoundé.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8239 25km on the road from Ebolowa to Kribi, counted from the crossing at Ebolowa and than about 1km.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9267 Manengouba - Mont, WNW of Nkongsamba.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9455 Doumé, 14km SW of Nkongsamba. Manengouba Mts. Base.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Letouzey R. 3523 Au SW de Mararaba. Flle. IGN. 1/200 000 - Deng-Deng.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Letouzey R. 4974 Mang, 40km à l'Est de Yokadouma.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Letouzey R. 11529 Nkongkengui, 12km NNE Makak, soit à 50km WSW de Yaoundé.
Dalbergia hostilis Bth Letouzey R. 13159 Entre Nouvel Ako et Afu, (29km N. Nkambe). Flle. IGN. 1/2000,

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