Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Carpolobia lutea G.Don Letouzey R. S.N Ntola près Nyabessan.
Carpolobia lutea G.Don Manning S.D. 1361 Approx. 3 km. WNW of Bipindi.
Carpolobia lutea G.Don Thomas D.W. 4855 1 km North of Masore on Ekondotiti - Mundemba road,0 - 2 km East of road.
Carpolobia lutea G.Don Thomas D.W. 5143 Forest near Konye in the valley of the Mungo river, 40km North Kumba.
Carpolobia lutea G.Don Thomas D.W. 5510 Farms and secondary vegetation at Banyu

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