Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Sonké B. 886 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Sonké B. 903 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Sonké B. 922 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Sonké B. 939 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Sonké B. 1026 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Sonké B. 1538 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 5156 Cameroun Konye
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 5531 Cameroun Ayong
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 5656 Cameroun Nganjo, West bank of Meme river on kumba Mbonge road.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 5656 Cameroun Meme River.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 6156 Cameroun Lake Tissongo.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 6156 Cameroun Lake Tissongo
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 7598 Cameroun Korup National Park.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Thomas D.W. 8198 Cameroun Near Mike Fay's camp at Ndakan, 40km South of Bela on the East bank of Sangha River.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Wild H. 7885 Cameroun Hill roughly between Nkolandom and Nkoemvone.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Wild H. 8261 Cameroun 16 km on the newly reconstructed road from Ebolowa to Minko.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Wild H. 8455 Cameroun Zingui Hill, 24 km on the road from Ebolowa to Kribi, counted from the crossing at Ebolowa.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia sp. Wild H. 8477 Cameroun Hill facing Nkolandom, 4km on the road from Nkoemvone to Akoakas (counting from the crossing at Nkoemvone).
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia subtomentosa K. Schum. Mpom B. 291 Cameroun Centre Agronomique de Nkolbisson. Flle IGN 1/2000 Yaoundé.
Sterculiaceae Leptonychia subtomentosa K. Schum. Mpom B. 291 Cameroun Centre Agronomique de Nkolbisson (8 km W Yaoundé)

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